Sunday, November 22, 2015

PDP 8 system

Main Cabinet rear view

Physiologic system rear bay view

Grayson-Stadler Physiologic Monitor

Main bay

Selected board inventory.

M8342    LP8E    Centronics printer control (replaces M8329)
M8331    TA8E DECassette system interface
M8655    terminal control
M8650    teletype control (asynchronous data control)
M7104    RK05 disk controller
M863      DR8E    12 Channel Buffered Digital I/O
A008       probably an analog board of some kind
M860      programmable real-time clock
M518      DK8EP    Lab Programmable Real Time Clock (requires M860)
M837      memory extension and time share
M847      8E bootstrap loader
M8300    major registers
M8341    extended arithmetic element multiplexers and timing
M8340    extended arithmetic element decoder and step counter
M8330    timing generator

Thursday, November 5, 2015

PDP 11/03 system

A follow up to the ongoing project to get a good solid 11/03 arrived via UPS today.  A supposedly working reference system which started life as the console processor for an 11/780.

The other acquisitions are here:



M7946 RXV11 Q RX01 8" floppy disk controller

Chassis showing modules

M8044EF M7946 M7264
M7946 RXV11 Q RX01 8" floppy disk controller
M7264-YC 11/03 Processor KD11-H 11/03 with 0K memory

M9400-YE M7940 bottom of M7264
M9400-YE    REV11-E     Q   Headers and 240-ohm terminators (18-bit bus only)
M9400-YE                    (can be used with M9401 as a Qbus extender)
M9400-YE                    BCV1B-XX = M9400-YE + M9401 + 2 x BC05L-XX cable
M9400-YE Refs: uNOTE N#035
M7940-YA DLV11 M7940 with extra wires to bring out clock

Switch Panel

Detail of circuit board for power panel

Wikipedia reference showing 11/23
wiki Q-Bus

Text from Ebay auction.

This is a DEC (Digital Equip Corp) 11/03-AA 120V micro PDP system. It was tested some 5 years ago and boxed and shelved. The unit was fully functional and fully tested. It is end user ready and ready to connect to a disk and boot up. This system should work just fine, HOWEVER, we are selling the unit AS-IS since we don't wish to deal with returns. The unit is fine for spares for field service and originally listed at $1199.00 on our web site.

The Power supply is an H780. The boards are:

M7264-YC, M7946, M7940, M8044-E, and M9400-YE.

It has a pair of BC05L-10 cables.

It powers up fine with the fan spinning and when the DCON switch is turneds on, the DCON lite illuminates and the run lite flashes trying to boot. The unit is originally from a DEC 11/785 front end system.

I've taken pictures of the unit and the boards and the rear. ONCE AGAIN: This is a fully tested fully functional 11/03 DEC system BUT being sold as-is.

Our feedback and company reputation speaks for our products... This Unit weighs over 35 lbs so we've marked the shipping charge at $40.00 UPS ground.

We will waive this charge if it is shipped on your UPS number... This baby is the real McCoy...